Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Fall Break

For the first time EVER, we had a fall break this year. October is such a perfect time for a vacation. We had a great time in California. San Luis Obispo, San Francisco, Monterey, Santa Cruz, Morro Bay.......what gorgeous country.....wineries, farms, mountains. I missed my grandboys and spent all day Sunday with them after we got back. Funny story.....Rebekah and I were inside cooking, and Glynn and Curtis were outside with the boys. Glynn decided to bring Ben inside. Jack says, "Bye, bye Benna. Don't forget, NO touching GAGA." Can you tell he's very possessive of me. But he's learning to play with Ben now, which is a good thing.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

School's in and my Hearing is Out!

School has started, and so far, it's a great year! My numbers are way lower this year than last. Last year, I averaged 30 in a class. This year, I have 25, 25, 18, 20, & 20. I am so excited! Also, this year's group is much better behaved. So, we're off to a great start. Our new assistant principal shared an interesting website with me today. A place where kids can download ring tones that adults can't hear. That's right! They are high frequency, and the older you are, the less you can hear. They bill it as "Download ring tones that your parents and teachers can't hear". How funny. Go to mosquitoringtones.org to test yourself.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Ben having fun at his 1st birthday party

Making Puppy Pizza

Jack was "spinning" the night again last night (he now does a spinning motion with his hand when he says it!) and we decided to make a pizza for dinner. It was his first try, and he loved spreading the sauce and sprinkling the cheese. I told him to ask Papaw what he wanted on his side of the pizza. While running to the living room, he yells, "Papaw, what do you want on your pizza?" He returned to the kitchen and very proudly proclaimed, "Gaga, Gaga, Papaw wants puppy-roni! What IS "puppy-roni" Gaga?" I showed him the little round slices of puppy-roni and we finished making our pizza. He said it was yummy. Whoever thought making a pizza could be so much fun? Gotta love that boy!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Jack "Spinning" the Night

We had a first Thursday night. Jackson spent the night with us. He did great! Didn't even mention going home. Slept straight through from 9pm to 7:30am! When we got to our house, he asked me where was the spinner? I asked him what he was talking about, what spinner? He said that he was "spinning" the night and we needed a spinner. How cute! Sometimes our southern accents can get very confusing for a little one. He is such a sweetheart. I'm sure he will be "spinning" the night again very soon.

Ben in the pool

Ben's birthday will be in just a few more days. Can't believe he's already one!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A Day with Jack

I spent all day today with Jackson. Normally a great thing, but today was very different. Stayed most of the day in the ER waiting for stitches in his head. He fell at school and wound up getting 6 stitches. He was so loopy from the meds......said some really funny things. Then I brought him home, and we played in the little pool in our backyard. We went out to dinner...his choice.....Waffle House! You should have seen him down an entire waffle. Of course, after we left the ER, he acted like nothing at all happened....think it upset us more than him. Luckily, it wasn't too serious. Too many trips to Vanderbilt Children's Hospital in 3 1/2 years......hope we never have to go back.